Garzón en Estados Unidos

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New businesses opened, others closed in 2023

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New businesses opened, others closed in 2023
New businesses opened, others closed in 2023

News 19's Shelly Garzon has a look back at some of the major comings and goings of the year.

Here's how and when to recycle to your Christmas tree
Here's how and when to recycle to your Christmas tree

Wondering what to do with your Christmas tree? Shelly Garzon tells us how you can get rid of your tree...

Strong Hands Gym: Inspiring & Encouraging The LGBTQ+ Community
Strong Hands Gym: Inspiring & Encouraging The LGBTQ+ Community

Diego Cevallos-Garzon is the owner of the only fitness institution in Chicago for the LGBTQ community....

Firefighters and farmers battle Colombia wildfires
Firefighters and farmers battle Colombia wildfires

(15 Aug 2023) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Soacha, Colombia - 14 August 2023 1. Aerial...

Colombians protest  massacres, renewed conflict
Colombians protest massacres, renewed conflict

(23 Sep 2020) Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Colombia's capital to demonstrate against...

“A mi cuñado lo mataron los policías”, cuñada de Javier Ordoñez, abogado muerto en Colombia
“A mi cuñado lo mataron los policías”, cuñada de Javier Ordoñez, abogado muerto en Colombia

Ordoñez. Su cuñada Eliana Garzón dice que exigen un proceso penal por que los agentes “fueron...

El equipo cubano se prepara activamente para los JJ.OO.
El equipo cubano se prepara activamente para los JJ.OO.

¿A qué aspira Geandry Garzón, un veterano de la lucha libre, en la batalla final de su carrera?...