Don't come at us with all your weird little man logic! In which Sarah, Claire Comstock-Gay, and Sophie Rae Lichterman get cozy and unpack The Other Woman!You can find Claire online here: can find Sophie and Cool Zone Media online here: episode was made possible by your support! Thanks to everybody who supports us on Patreon and Apple Plus. for A Massive Seance can be found here:’s zine! LOVE Magpie Cinema Club! You can find their songs / Bandcamp HERE!'s record! can buy a You Are Good logo shirt DESIGNED BY THE GREAT LIZ CLIMO here. (Liz Climo designed our logo!) Are Good is a feelings podcast about movies.You can make a contribution to Palestine Children's Relief Fund here: can find us on Twitter, Instagram, BlueSky, TikTok, Patreon and Apple Plus.Miranda Zickler produced and edited this episode: Lesh produces the beats for our episodes.