Up and Vanished is an investigative true crime podcast hosted by Atlanta filmmaker Payne Lindsey. In Season 1, Payne tackles his first cold case story, the unsolved disappearance of Georgia high school teacher and former pageant queen, Tara Grinstead. The 11-year-old case remains the largest case file in Georgia history and is still unfolding. Season 2 focuses on the disappearance of young mother Kristal Reisinger from a remote mountain town in Colorado. Up and Vanished aims to tell compelling, true stories and give these cases the exposure they deserve.
‘Monster: BTK’, the newest installment in the ‘Monster’ franchise, reveals the true story of...
EscucharWhile digging through an old memory box, host Thrasher Banks discovers forgotten VHS tapes, police reports,...
EscucharFrom long-time collaborators Sean Kipe and Jason Hoch comes ‘How It All Went South’, the new...
EscucharThe squeaky wheel gets the grease. upandvanished.com/tickets Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished...
EscucharWhat really happened that Saturday night? Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished To learn...
EscucharPayne and the UAV team answer your questions To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices...
EscucharHe speaks... Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished To learn more about listener data...
EscucharAlaska Airlines we need your help. Episode 15 coming this Thursday 9/19 To learn more about listener...
EscucharTruth exists, only lies are invented. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished To learn...
EscucharThe person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished...
EscucharJoin our Discord: https://lnk.to/upandvanished In this exclusive bonus Payne’s producers releases...
EscucharJoin our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished Tick tock, the clock is always watching. Follow...
EscucharJoin our Discord: https://discord.gg/upandvanished Back in Atlanta after one of many trips to Nome,...
EscucharPayne dives further into the interview tapes Andy Klamser gave to him and finds out as much as he can...
EscucharThe second chapter of Up and Vanished: In The Midnight Sun returns, in this continuation of the series...
EscucharOn July 27th, 1996, a domestic terrorist bombed the Summer Olympic Games held in Atlanta, GA. While...
EscucharListen to the final episode of Justin Alexander's story in "Status: Untraced". From the team that brought...
EscucharKeep exploring the mysterious disappearance of Justin Alexander in "Status: Untraced". From the team...
EscucharKeep following the mysterious story of Justin Alexander's disappearance in "Status: Untraced". From...
EscucharContinue to explore the mysterious disappearance of a survivalist and world traveler in "Status: Untraced"....
EscucharFollow the story of Justin Alexander's mysterious disappearance in "Status: Untraced". From the team...
EscucharJustin Alexander's story continues in "Status: Untraced". From the team that brought you Up and Vanished,...
EscucharIn the Midnight Sun returns with brand new episodes starting August 8th To learn more about listener...
EscucharThe story of the mysterious disappearance of a survivalist and world traveler in "Status: Untraced"...