The Minimalists Podcast

Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus discuss living a meaningful life with less.

443 | The Presence of Absence

The Minimalists The Minimalists discuss space hoarding, reification, the key to freedom, generosity,...


442 | Rental Culture

The Minimalists speak with Lisa Ann about the benefits of renting clothes, homes, cars, books, tools,...


441 | Simplify Simplify Simplify

The Minimalists talk about life after simplifying, decluttering slowly over time, processing loss after...


440 | Memory Clutter

The Minimalists discuss letting go of memories, creating an uncluttered home, three new series from...


439 | Restraint

The Minimalists talk about the benefits of restraint, the struggles of consumerism for new minimalists,...


438 | Streamlined

The Minimalists discuss the art of streamlining one’s life, letting go of difficult things, how the...


437 | Graduation Day

The Minimalists talk about the three different kinds of letting go (graduation, divorce, death), several...


436 | Simplifying for Newbies

The Minimalists talk about the process of simplifying for newbies and staying motivated when decluttering...


435 | Do Fewer Things

The Minimalists speak with Cal Newport about the three principles of slow productivity and letting go...


434 | Breaking Cycles

The Minimalists we speak with Dr. Nicole LePera about breaking cycles and healing relationships. Watch...


433 | Shoes

The Minimalists talk about what to do when success feels like failure, how to let go of shoes, and taking...


432 | Throw Everything Away

The Minimalists talk about throwing everything away after an infestation and the hypocrisy of minimalism....


431 | Minimizing Narcissism

The Minimalists speak with Dr. Ramani Durvasula about recognizing narcissists; whether the term “narcissist”...


430 | No Junk Rule

The Minimalists  talk about their minimalist kitchen essentials, the No Junk Rule, and letting go of...


429 | Filling Empty Rooms

The Minimalists talk about the human desire to fill empty rooms, how they spend their downtime, the...


428 | Invisible Clutter

The Minimalists speak with Ryan Blaser, founder of, about the best tests to uncover in-home...


427 | Declutter Your Emotions

The Minimalists talk about emotional clutter, the dangers of being a “helper,” and whether hoarding...


426 | Breaking Free from Broke

The Minimalists speak with author George Kamal about letting go of past financial mistakes, frugality...


425 | Behind What We Buy

The Minimalists speak with Marcus Collins, author of For the Culture, about the pernicious forces of...


424 | One Day or Day One

The Minimalists how to start decluttering and letting go of stories about things. Watch all 2 hours...


423 | Letting Go of Seasonal Decorations

The Minimalists talk about decluttering seasonal decorations, opting out of the consumer culture of...


422 | The Comfort Crisis

The Minimalists speak with Michael Easter, author of The Comfort Crisis and Scarcity Brain, about embracing...


421 | Eco-Friendly Products

The Minimalists speak with Dr. Zach Bush and Alex Woodard about environmentally friendly products, issues...


420 | Possession Reduction

The Minimalists speak with Leo Babauta from Zen Habits about bringing meaning to our everyday lives...


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