The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

You might think you know what it takes to lead a happier life… more money, a better job, or Instagram-worthy vacations. You’re dead wrong. Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos has studied the science of happiness and found that many of us do the exact opposite of what will truly make our lives better. Based on the psychology course she teaches at Yale--the most popular class in the university’s 300-year history--Laurie will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising and inspiring stories that will change the way you think about happiness. For an even deeper dive into the research we talk about in the show and to sign up to our newsletter visit: happinesslab.fmiHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries. 

Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

Liz Dunn is a regular guest on The Happiness Lab, but in this extended interview with TED's Chris Anderson...


Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

A chance to hear a recent episode of A Slight Change of Plans in which Maya Shankar asks psychologist...


Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

Work is a worry. Are we paid enough? Should we be getting promoted quicker? Is artificial intelligence...


Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

Technology is amazing! We can make video calls, find facts in an instant and watch movies on our phones....


How to Grow After Adversity

Karen Guggenheim was devastated by the death of her husband, Ricardo. She was alive, but dead to the...


Simple Ways to Feel Great Every Day - with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Medical doctors are waking up to the importance of happiness, partly prompted by the work of people...


How to Make America's Young People Happier Again

The US is sliding down the world happiness rankings - but it's the unhappiness of young people that's...


Can Happiness Ward Off Dementia?

Age is the main risk factor for cognitive decline. So with more people around the world living longer,...


What Can We Learn From the Happiest Country on Earth?

There are certain nations which always top the rankings in the World Happiness Report. What are they...


The Happiness of Subtraction

We often think adding more things to our lives will make us happier - more trips, more activities, more...


Why the "Good Enough" Relationship Beats the "Perfect Partner"

Fairy tales and Hollywood rom coms have taught us to expect perfection from a soul mate, but sex and...


A Supercommunicator's Guide to Love and Dating

Some people ask searching questions and then really listen to the replies. These so-called supercommunicators...


Can Couples Learn to Argue Better?

No matter how much you love your partner, your relationship will never be totally free from disagreement....


Love Lessons from the "Masters of Relationships"

Some people are just good at building and maintaining healthy partnerships. In their 'Love Lab", the...


The Sweet Smell of Happiness

Does happiness have a scent? Dr Laurie has been trying to remove the bad smells in her life and bring...


How Getting Active Can Make You Happier

Busy scientist Adam Aron had too much on his plate to think deeply about climate change - until he read...


Being Green Doesn't Mean Sacrificing Fun... or Cutting Out Meat

We often think of fighting climate change as a drain on our happiness - it'll mean sacrificing the things...


Why our Brains Don't Fear Climate Change Enough

Humans are great at reacting to mortal danger... but only sometimes. Unfortunately, some risks to our...


When Stalin Killed the Weekend - A Happiness Lab/Cautionary Tales Crossover

Time off work is vital for your happiness. So what would you do if you couldn't take the same rest day...


Build The Life You Want from Oprah's Super Soul

Enjoy this episode of another show you might like: the Build the Life You Want Super Soul Podcast. Oprah...


Is There a Gen Z Happiness Crisis? Dr Laurie Meets the US Surgeon General

Have we created a culture where young people prioritize good grades, social media likes and constant...


How Eating Got Complicated

For our ancient ancestors food was just another thing they needed to survive - like sleep, shelter or...


Awe and Psychedelics with Michael Pollan

Laurie's former student and friend, Dr. Maya Shankar, has a Pushkin podcast we love called A Slight...


Giving Away Cash Makes You Happy... and Transforms Lives

YOU can boost your happiness and transform the lives of people in one African village with a cash gift...


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