Humans have worked on ways to make garments water resistant almost since they started to wear them. But figuring out how to manufacture a raincoat using rubber was a big breakthrough that took centuries. Research: Lennox, Henry G., et al. “Journal of the Society for Arts, Vol. 18, No. 891.” The Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 18, no. 891, 1869, pp. 79–100. JSTOR, Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Charles Macintosh". Encyclopedia Britannica, 21 Jul. 2022, “Charles Macintosh (1766-1843).” National Records of Scotland. SCHURER. “The Macintosh: The Paternity of an Invention.” Transactions of the Newcomen Society. 28:1, 77-87. 1951. DOI: 10.1179/tns.1951.005 “Charles Macintosh and Co’s Refined Malt Vinegar.” The Guardian. July 10, 1824. Collins, James. “On India-Rubber, Its History, Commerce, and Supply.” Journal of the Society for the Arts. Vol. 18, No. 891. December 17, 1869. Porritt, B. D. “THE RUBBER INDUSTRY—PAST AND PRESENT.” Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, vol. 67, no. 3460, 1919, pp. 252–67. JSTOR, Hancock, Thomas. “Personal Narrative of the Origin and Progress of the Caoutchouc Or India-rubber Manufacture in England.” Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts. 1857. Accessed online: Somma, Ann Marie. “Charles Goodyear and the Vulcanization of Rubber.” Dec. 29, 2014. “Return of the Mac: The reinvention of Mackintosh.” The Independent. October 8, 2007. Marshik, Celia. “At the Mercy of Their Clothes: Modernism, the Middlebrow, and British Garment Culture.” Columbia University Press. 2017. Macintosh, George. “Biographical Memoir of the Late Charles Macintosh.” W.G. Blackie & Company. 1847. See for privacy information.