A weekly podcasting exploring great political revolutions. Now: The Russian Revolution Next: ???
Operations: Parallel. Objectives: Perpendicular Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan...
EscucharMars was finally for the Martians. Basically. Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharIsn't it great when everyone is in agreement? Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharWhen both kids take their balls and go home. Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharIt was a week where decades happen. Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharAfter the Three Days of Red, the Martians made some new friends. Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch:
EscucharPatreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan Sponser: betterhelp.com/revolutions
EscucharWho is dependent on whom? Pateon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharWhen you have to make a change, it's important to wait too long... Pateon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch:
EscucharIf people rise up, they must be put down... Pateon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharWhy make things better when you can make things worse? Pateon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharSometimes you just gotta throw something Pateon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharAfter becoming CEO of Omnicorps, Timothy Werner rolled out the New Protocols. It did not go well.
EscucharIt's springtime for the Martian people Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch Store: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan
EscucharIt's finally here! In the teaser for the Duncan & Coe History Show, Mike Duncan and Alexis Coe unveil...
EscucharIf you wanna drop a tip on your way out the door, Click Here To Donate. See you on the other side my