Podcast sobre Paul Simon

David Byrne's Christmas Playlist

The singer-songwriter and Talking Heads frontman presents some of his favorite...

Fresh Air
24-diciembre / Actualizado hace 2 meses, 17 días
Bonus Episode: Jake's Disco Gym Playlist, Your Paul Simon Recs, and Jeff Buckley's Influences

This week in the After Party, Jake is ready to dive into the latest Disgraceland...

08-junio / Actualizado hace 1 año, 9 meses, 2 días
Poor more years! Erdogan triumphs in Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has again retained the presidency. We ask how the best...

The Intelligence
29-mayo / Actualizado hace 1 año, 9 meses, 12 días
The Happiness Lab Presents: Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon

Presenting: An Excerpt from Miracle And Wonder: Conversations With Paul Simon...

The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
22-noviembre / Actualizado hace 3 años, 3 meses, 18 días
Part 2: Malcolm Gladwell on Paul Simon vs. Sting, Career Longevity, and Criminal Behavior (ACS Nov 22)

Adam is pleased to welcome author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell for a one-on-one...

Adam Carolla Show
22-noviembre / Actualizado hace 3 años, 3 meses, 18 días
Cautionary Tales Presents Miracle And Wonder: Conversations With Paul Simon

Presenting: An Excerpt from Miracle And Wonder: Conversations With Paul Simon...

Cautionary Tales
19-noviembre / Actualizado hace 3 años, 3 meses, 21 días

2- Últimos videos estadounidenses de Paul Simon

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